Bonita foto, el performance de ambos pubs, APISOKO Y FERNAN, camarero del PUB OBOE, esta vez el performance no actuo....una pena....
Para tod@s aquellos amantes de las FIESTAS de SAN ROQUE, podeis encontrar un montonazo de afotos en la pagina de nuestro amigo BODO, os dejo la direccion: , con muchas muchas fotos variadas....en nuestros locales tambien tenemos muuuuchas fotos de fiestas....
Por ultimo saludar a toda esa gran familia de los BLOGS seguntinos y no seguntinos, y recordad dejad vuestros comentarios y sugerencias.
un saludo a las bandas, nos vemos en el pub....
6 comentarios:
Para toda voluntaria, q se ofrezca…, recordarla que me podrá encontrar cerca de la barra degustando tan preciada bebida.
espabila madinaa!!!....
vamos Medina, eso es un barman de categoria...
But I saw no grandfather, no piazza, no flowered dressing-gown: I saw only a luxuriant palm-tree, waving broadly over a tranquil landscape.. So have and have not I.. What a vexatious contretemps that I should have chanced to be out when you called; thus missing the pleasure of seeing you at once, and securing that of your society for this evening? The truth is, I was disappointed in some of the preparations that had been sent home this morning, and I had to go myself and have the things rectified, and was detained away longer than I expected.. I interpreted the dream in the following manner: If now the other boy were to die, the same thing would be repeated.. Thus I once dreamt that I was sitting with one of my former university tutors on a bench, which was undergoing a rapid continuous movement amidst other benches.. The day before he was assiduously reading about great heroes.. We will accept this money, Uncle Mose, since, in a way, it is a sort of payment, as well as a token of the loyalty and devotion of the old regime.. Hotchkiss's face had passed through a livid and then a greenish shade, and finally settled into a sullen red.. After our elaboration of the dream problems we found room for most of these contradictions.. It was dim, and silent, and sweet with perpetual incense that burned upon an altar before a picture forever veiled.. Really at that moment she did think his mind was gone; but the leer upon the old man's face enraged her beyond endurance.. We must make him pay ! Damages--and nothin' short o' that.. And it is only after seeing man as his unconscious, revealed by his dreams, presents him to us that we shall understand him fully.. No one could have detected his disappointment in his manner, albeit his sentences were short and incomplete.. Prue and I do not entertain much; our means forbid it.. As far as the direction is concerned in this third part of the dream, it may be said that here again the movement is progressive.. He had not mentioned the subject of horses to his friend, but he knew through Mrs.. Yes! He'd say 'Kerrow,' and I'd say 'Kerree.. why should our sleeping thoughts be forced to confine themselves to the production of wishes? Are there not, on the contrary, many dreams that present a different psychic act in dream form, e.. Ah, I perceive you recollect him now...
Muchas gracias por el enlace, Seguimos ampliando fotos segun me llegan las voy colgando.
Cuidaros y este finde nos vemos en los bares.
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